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波多黎各 TESOL- 东部分会

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TESOL 是一个首字母缩写词,代表向其他语言的人教授英语。它指的是在国外或英语国家向非英语母语人士教授英语,尽管它最常用于指在英语国家发生的语言教学。


TESOL INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION Is the largest community dedicated to English Language Teaching TO ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING.

It holds a  community of more than 13,000 English language professionals located around the world  that includes

  • Language instructors, professors, teachers

  • Teacher educators, trainers

  • Program administrators, coordinators, supervisors

  • Students


The Puerto Rico Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Inc. (PRTESOL) is an independent professional organization founded in 1966. The organization was created out of professional concern over the lack of a single, all-inclusive professional organization that could bring together teachers and administrators at all educational levels with an interest in teaching English to speakers of other languages; also known as ESOL in the early days prior to the foundation of TESOL as a field, profession, and/or organization.
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